Tuesday 20 September 2011

Week 2: Visual Aid for Thriller Genre

I have been continuing and developing my visual aid mind map today. I have expanded on my notes made in yesterdays lesson in relation to the aspects of a Thriller Film Genre. I have started to created my infographic visual aid representing the different aspects within the genre, this included:
  • Synopsis
  • Characters
  • Themes
  • Music
  • Thriller Films (Timeline)
  • Thriller Stars
  • Iconography
I have planned out my visual aid and I intend to create a simple, but effective Infographic. I have found a couple of infographics which inspired my final idea. My idea looks like a inforgraphic mind map, I have planned out the title 'Thriller' in the centre and branching off of this is the points listed above. The way in which I have made this an interesting infographic is by placing a timeline through the middle of the page with some Thriller Film titles. This breaks the page up and makes it interesting to read. In relation to Thriller, I have used the 'heart monitor' line to connect the different features from the middle and also from each other. Within the information I am including relevant images to the genre of Thriller. I have decided that the colour scheme of red and black will work best within my visual aid, this is because these are colours associated with thriller films.
I will be creating this visual aid in Photoshop, by using advanced techniques, including blending and vector images.
The image below shows my mind map of the different contents included within my visual aid.
Thriller Initial Mind Map

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