Monday 3 October 2011

Week 4: Three Analytical Approaches within Film

I have been introduced to the three analysis' I will be using throughout task 2. Within this task I will be choosing two films from the same director and carrying out an Auteur Study, Genre Analysis and Narrative Analysis. Last week I was introduced to the genre analysis on the film Monsters (2010). The genre analysis includes:
  • Defining the genre with iconography and codes and conventions,
  • Who the target audience is and
  • Whether the film subverts the genre.
The narrative analysis focuses on the narrative within the film. There are several different narrative theorists some of these include:
  • Propp's characters
  • Strauss' Binary Opposites
  • Todorov's 5 Act Stucutre 
  • Barthes Narrative Codes
  • Aristotle's Three Act Structure
I understand how to approach this analysis, from todays screening I watched Raising Arizona (1987) and applied some key narrative questions.
Narrative Analysis: Raising Arizona

The questions included:
  • Which theorist does the film use
  • The narrative structure of the film
  • Is there a clear resolution
  • How the genre presents the narrative.
 I have been introduced to this analysis I know what elements need to be explained within my report. I can apply these different points within my own narrative analysis.

Auteur Study: through this analysis I will be analysing the signature elements within the two films from the same director. The elements which I will be analysing within the films include:
  • Distinctive Characters
  • Music and Sound
  • Style and Techniques: Camera, New Technology and Editing
  • Cast and Crew
  • Mise-en-scene: performance
I have been introduced and applied two of these analysis' to two films, Monsters and Raising Arizona. I have been able to 'test' how I will apply the analysis' to my own chosen films.

Task 2: Applying the Narrative Analysis, Auteur Study and Genre Analysis
I will be applying the above analysis' to my own chosen films. I have decided to focus on the films by Tim Burton. I have chosen Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) to carry out the analysis'.

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

I will firstly carry out the auteur study on these two films, I will be highlighting the signature elements used within the two films. From this I will then carry out a genre analysis on one of the films, including the above points within the analysis. The narrative analysis will then be carried out and I will be applying the above questions in relation to this analysis within my written report.
The videos below show the trailers for these films.

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