Tuesday 11 October 2011

Week 5: Film Analysis Continued

I have nerly completed my film analysis', I applied the Reception Study, Genre Analysis and Auteur Study to the two films: Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I applied the reception study to Edward Scissorhands and the Genre Analysis to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I need to complete my auteur study and create a bibliography for this task, I have also completed my Research Dossier, which I have written up showing how I have used my research.
Through applying the analytical approaches to the films I have learnt a lot about the films, this includes:
Genre Analysis- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Through the genre analysis I have learnt about:
  • Characters: within this film the characters are distinctive and are all individual. The main character is Charlie, he is a child from what appears to be a poor family. This contrasts with the other children as they seem to be very spoilt. Whereas Charlie is a caring person and has a good relationship with his family. Willy Wonka is also another main character, and his world contrasts with Charlie's. This is because he lives in a massive fantasy world at the factory.
  • Setting: these are important within the film, as the chocolate factory is highlighted as the fantasy world, which it is. This place would not exist in reality and is a bright and colour world. The inside of the factory contrasts with the reality of the gloomy world which Charlie lives in, the city.
  • Narrative: I applied the narrative structure which I believe fitted this film. This structure was Linear, as the events happened in chronological order. Although, there were flashbacks showing Willy Wonka's childhood, which is the story beind the reason why he set up the factory.
  • Codes and Conventions: these were the expectations from a Adventure, Fantasy and Family film. I highlighted the iconography within the film as this is what the audience expect to see within this genre of film. I also talked about the target audience for the film, this is important as it relates to the genre of the film.
Auteur Study- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands
Through applying the auteur study to these two films I learnt about the signatures/trademarks within the films in relation to the director, Tim Burton. Some of these signatures include:
  • Fantasy Elements: these are included within many of Burton's films, especially Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The elements are shown within the setting, as the castle and factory are two fantasy worlds which will never be seen in reality.
  • Music: Danny Elfman creates most of the compositions for the Tim Burton films.
  • Gothic Elements: within Tim Burton films he has a dark and gothic element, he also contrasts the bright with the dark within his films.
These are some of the trademarks which I have included within my analysis.

Reception Study- Edward Scissorhands
Through the reception study I have researched into how the film was received at time of release. The elements which I researched into include:
  • Awards: these are the awards won by the film for different aspects.
  • Box Office figures: this includes the grossing figures for the film, on its opening weekend and total figures.
  • Reviews: from imdb I found reviews on Edward Scissorhands which shows how the film was received by people in different countries.
Tomorrow I will complete my analysis, I will be able to ensure that I have talked about all the elements required within the analysis'.

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