Monday 12 December 2011

Week 13: Improvements on Film Studies Documents

I have been working on improvements given to me for my Film Studies work. I have been given feedback on my Film Analysis, Marketing Article and Comparative Study documents. I submitted these documents in November via 'Turn it in', this is a way of gaining feedback from my lecturers quickly so I can improve the grade I gained first time. I have been improving my Film Analysis document and my Marketing Article document. These were the main documents which I believe I could improve with the feedback I was given. The feedback given to me has helped a lot and I have been able to improve by using this detailed feedback. From this feedback I have been able to notice continuous improvements through the 3 documents. These are improvements which I am now aware of such as Weak Transitions. This is an area which I am now aware of and I am able to take this improvement on board and ensure I check this area when writing future documents. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to gain quick feedback in relation to my work and that I have a chance to improve my grade.
I will continue to improve my film studies documents for resubmission in February.

Monday 5 December 2011

Week 12: NEDS (2010) Review

NEDS is a film written and directed by Peter Mullan. This film focuses on life in Glasgow in 1972. The main character within NEDS is John McGill and this film highlights his struggle to show his potential because of the bad reputation of his brother. Before he reached Middle School he was receiving high grades, but the bad reputation of his brother has made the teachers have low expectations of him. His brother got in a lot of trouble in school and was known as the 'gang leader'. This is the reason why the teachers has such low expectations of John and didn't allow him to prove them wrong. Therefore he started to act like his brother as the teachers did not expect any more of him. His family life might have also reflected the way him and his brother acted as his father is an acoholic, not making him very interested within his education.
NEDS had some great young British actors. Conor McCarron won 2 awards for his performance within NEDS. These awards were Young British Performer of the Year at the London Critics Circle Film Awards and Best Actor at the San Sebastian International Film Festival. This was the only main film Conor has starred in and I believe he excelled with the character he portrayed within the film. He was able to portray a teenager in 1970's Glasgow and represent the type of life which is led at this time. Many of the other young actors such as Joe Szula who played Benny have not been in any other films before or after NEDS. This could reflect the fact that this is a British film, therefore the actors are not recognised by the audience. Although, I do believe all of the actors and actresses within NEDS were very good in the characters they portrayed.
I believed this film highlighted the troubles with gangs in 1970's Glasgow. It also highlighted the educational system such as the cane, which is a punishment which is not used nowadays. I learnt a lot about the 1970's through this film and understand the difference of life then and now.
NEDS is a British film written and directed by an award winner. The smallest details within this film such as the fashion of the 70's is excellent. All of these types of details help the viewer 'escape' into the 1970's within this film.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Week 7: My Genre Article and Completion of Film Studies Portfolio

I have completed My Genre Article, which is the last task within my Film Studies portfolio. This focused on many different elements about my favourite genre, the Musical. Within this article I focused on the following aspects (I also focused on 3 more aspects not noted below):
  • Media Literacy: relates to how the audience decode and analyse the meaning within the musical. The audience must understand different aspects which the producer has consider when creating the media text these include: who created the text, target audience of the media text and strategies used to create the meaning for the intended audience.
  • Fandom: this relates to the fan base around the film or musical. A fan base share their love and enjoyment of a film through discussing why they like the film. They can do this by meeting or over the Internet on forums. People also show their appreciation for a film through dressing as one of the characters from the musical. This is because the characters are so recognisable that the audience can see who they are even if someone else is dressed up as them.
  • Social Networking: this plays a huge part in the success of a film. Social networking allows the audience to discuss the film. They can share reviews on the film and through the social networking the audience can decide whether to see the film based on the reviews. This type of promotion also creates 'hype' for the film, which promotes it even more.
  • Reception: the reception of a film is very important. This shows how the film was received by the audience from box office figures.
I have written my article based on the Musical genre and written about how the above aspects relate to film and the musical genre. From writing this article I have learnt about the different aspects which are considered within film and genre. I have learnt about different aspects such as media literacy and fandom and how this relates to the genre of Musical and film in general.

Film Studies Portfolio Complete
I have completed my film studies portfolio, the deadline is not until w/b 14th November, although I am on holiday from 7th November for 2 weeks, therefore I am missing the deadline. I therefore decided to submit my work before this deadline, I submitted my work on Thursday 3rd November. Therefore I completed two other tasks which had not been originally set yet, but I completed these within half term and last week.
Through completing this portfolio I am happy that I have completed the work to a standard which I would if I had two more weeks to complete it. I have carried out a genre analysis, a comparative study, infographics, blockbuster marketing article and genre article. I have learnt many new skills such as research methods and writing different articles.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Week 7: Adding More Elements to my Film Remake Article and Development of Double Page Spread

I have made some changes to my film comparative study. The reason for this is to incorporate more detail and relate the different aspects I am discussing to my own personal experiences. I was given a template of a table which I could easily compare the original 1988 version and the remake 2007 of Hairspray. The additional elements which I will be adding into my film remake article include:
  • Hollywood: Films which were released in the same years as the two films, showing their success compared to Hairspray.
  • Censorship: What ratings the two films were given and the reasons for this.
  • Finance: The reasons for the budget being higher in 2007, the effect the economy had on these films at the time they were made.
  • Genre: Symbolic references used and same characters.
  • Reception: How they were received, box office figures, awards, reviews and ratings.
These are the aspects which I already written within my report, but I will be expanding on these and adding more detail. The main aspect I will be applying to the above is views from my own personal experience. This shows that I am relating the aspects regarding the film to my own experiences. For example, the finance of the film could relate to an aspect within my life, such as University and Student Fees. I will apply my personal experience aspect to the various elements I am discussing.

Comparison Table for Hairspray

Double Page Spread Development
I have been continuing with my double page spread for this article. I have made the article bold and interesting to read. My previous post showed the layout I designed for my double page spread, I have added more colour and creativity to the article to make it appealing to the audience. The image below shows my double page spread at this time. I intend to finish this double page spread by the end of today's lesson. This image shows I have added in pictures from the film, which I have referenced clearly in my Bibliography. I have added in two of the different aspects I wrote about in my article document, these are Trends and Stars. I will add two more elements which I believe the target audience of 14-16 year olds will like to read about.
In terms of creating the double page spread, I have added the effect of bubbles to emphasise the hairspray spraying. I believe this effect works well with the bright purple used and suggests 'Hairspray' as a film. I have used effects which relate to the film, for example the hairspray can, the bubbles, the bordered boxes and the colour scheme. All of these elements have been collected from my research into the film, especially the Hairspray Programme from the stage show and the DVD Menu.
I will therefore complete my article document and add the other text into my double page spread.
Hairspray Double Page Spread Development in Photoshop

I have now completed my double page spread by adding more text from my article. Below shows an image of my completed double page spread.
Completed Double Page Spread


Monday 31 October 2011

Week 7: Blockbuster Marketing Article Completed

I have now completed mt blockbuster marketing article. I was not scheduled to start this task until next week, although I am on holiday when the deadline for this project is (w/b 14th November). Therefore, throughout half term I decided to complete this document in advanced. Within this article I have discussed how the audience are considered within the production of a film and how the film is marketed. I have learnt that the audience are considered within the following areas: Narrative, Cast, Characters and Genre. The producer needs to consider the audience for the film especially within these specific areas.
  • Narrative: the producer needs to consider the narrative in terms of the audience. The narrative needs to appeal to the audience, within Blockbuster's the narrative is usually simple to appeal to a large audience. When targeting a specific audience the producer should create a narrative which will appeal to the audience, they might create a narrative which the audience can relate to.
  • Cast: a familiar cast is what the audience expect from a blockbuster. The cast needs to be recognisable to the audience in order for a blockbuster to be a success. Some of the biggest stars have been in blockbuster's and this is the type of cast which the audience expect within this type of film.
  • Characters: the characters within the film are usually characters which different audiences can relate to. The audience feel emotionally attached to the characters in a way, this could be because of their story, relating back to the narrative of the film.
  • Genre: blockbusters genre is very important, this type of film comes in many different genres. When targeting a specific audience the producer needs to consider the audience and their favourite genre in order for the film to appeal to them.
Marketing of a blockbuster is very important. Media producers need to market their film correctly to appeal and notify the audience of their film, some of these marketing techniques include:
  • Trailers
  • Posters
  • Media Advertising- cast and crew interviews (radio and TV)
  • Internet (Advertising and Websites)
  • Previews and Premieres
I have learnt a lot about the strategy of marketing a film and also how the audience are considered when producing a film. These are the most important stages of creating a blockbuster as the producer needs to advertise their film to draw audiences into viewing the film. The success of the film is based on the marketing strategy used to promote the film.

    Week 7: Development of Double Page Spread in Photoshop

    I have started to create my double page spread within Photoshop. This comparative article focuses on the two versions of Hairspray (1988 & 2007). I have carried out research into exisitng double page spreads to analyse their layout. I have also researched into the graphics within Hairspray in products such as the Hairspray musical Brochure and the DVD Menu. I have gained the colour scheme from these products and applied it into my own double page spread. The colour scheme I am using are bright colours which are shown within the title of Hairspray. This colour scheme reflects the film as it is a very bright and happy film. I have also used the bold borders which are used within the Hairpray Brochure.
    The image below shows an example of the border
    Bold Border Used Around Images

    I will create boxes with this border and insert information and images into these boxes. This will make the double page spread eye catching and interesting to read. From the DVD Menu I saw that the titles were presented as a 'hanging sign'. This reminded me of the 'Recording' sign when a show is recording, which reflects the nature of Hairspray as it is based around a musical TV show. The image below shows an example of the DVD menu with this element.
    The Hanging Sign Element Relates to the Films Feature
    of the TV Show

    Below shows a simple layout of my double page spread. Within the boxes will be information and images related to the film. I will complete this double page spread by the end of this week (w/b 31st October).
    My Double Page Spread Layout

    Friday 28 October 2011

    Week 6: Film Remake Article Completed and Blockbuster Article Continued

    I have completed my film remake article focusing on the film 'Hairspray'. Throughout this article I compared different elements surrounding the film from the 1988 version and the 2007 version. By writing this article I have learnt about the differences and similarities between the films. I have recognised the differences which relate to the year in which the film was made. For example, the finance was a huge difference, as the budget for the 2007 version was much higher than that of the 1988 version. A similarity of the films was the production company, New Line Cinema. This company is vertical integration as they produce, market and distribute all of their films. 
    I have started to create my double page spread in Photoshop, working from my original sketch of the double page spread. I will be adding the relevant information from my written article into my double page spread. These will be the elements which I believe will appeal to the target audience of 14-16 year olds. This would include: stars, trends and genres, this is some of the information I believe will appeal to the target audience. I will continue to complete my final double page spread.

    Blockbuster Marketing Article
    I have also completed my research into marketing a blockbuster film. I have researched into how movies are marketed and how audience is considered within production of a blockbuster. Some of the information I have found in relation to how audiences are considered in the production:
    • Narrative: the audience like a captivating and interesting narrative, as this will draw them in to watching and being interested in the film.
    • Cast: familiar actors and actresses will draw the audience into watching the film. If the audience recognise the cast they will want to view the film.
    • Characters: the characters are very important to the audience. Especially if there is a specific target audience for the film. This is because the audience like to relate and understand the characters within the film. Therefore, characters are important within the narrative in the film, so the audience can relate to these aspects.
    • Genre: when targeting specific audiences, the producer needs to consider the target audience. This is because within different genres are different audiences, so the film genre needs to relate to that audience. For example, horror films are aimed at teenagers 18+ because of the content included. Content within the horror film is an aspect the producer needs to consider in relation to the audience of the blockbuster.
    Some marketing strategies for a blockbuster include:
    • Trailers
    • Posters
    • Media Advertising
    • Internet
    • Premieres and Previews
    These are some of the aspects which I have discussed within my report. I have explained how they are used to market and blockbuster.
    I will continue to complete the marketing article and my double page spread for my film remake article of Hairspray.

      Tuesday 25 October 2011

      Week 6: Sketches for Double Page Spread & Blockbuster Martketing Article

      From my previous post I have completed my secondary research for my film remake article. From analysing 3 existing double page spreads I analysed the layout, typography, content and images. I have created sketches of how I want my double page spread to look. I want my double page spread to be creative and eye catching and most importantly, appeal to the target audience. My design will appeal to the audience of 14-16 year olds because the layout is creative. The design does not include much text, but includes the relevant information which will appeal to the audience. I am creating the double page spread on the film Hairspray. Therefore the sketch which I have created shows a hairspray can spraying the Hairspray title into the centre. Around the title the information will be presented in bold outline boxes. I have chosen this style of box because it is included within the Hairspray Musical Brochure. Therefore I have incorporated part of the creative design to my own double page spread. I have enjoyed researching into the different double page spread layouts. These have inspired my own design and I have taken different elements from existing prints to incorporate within my double page spread to make it creative. The target audience need the double page spread to be eye catching, because they will not want to read an article which contains columns of writing. I have completed writing the article document including the different aspects related to comparing the original Hairspray and the remake. From this document I will include the aspects which I believe will appeal to the target audience. These include: Stars, Trends and Genres. I will start to create my double page spread in Photoshop and add the different aspects about the two films.
      Double Page Spread Sketch

      I have also started to carry out research for the blockbuster marketing article. This focuses on the marketing strategy of blockbuster films. I have used the resource of the A Level Film Studies book to research into this subject. I have researched into the way in which the film producer markets for certain audiences with their marketing strategy. For example, they target younger audiences differently to older audiences. For the younger audience they might create products (merchandise) to draw them into watching the films. Whereas the older audience would not need this type of marketing to watch the film. The types of marketing for a film include: trailers, premieres, posters, merchandise, advertising (TV and Internet) and reviews. I will continue to research into film marketing and start to write up my article on this subject. This is a very interesting subject to research into, because I am interested in how films are marketed and especially how particular audiences are marketed in different ways.

      Wednesday 19 October 2011

      Week 6: Film Article Remake Development

      I have decided to create an article on the film remake Hairspray. Within this article there are many different aspects which I need to write about which I have stated in my last post.
      I have watched the original film Halloween (1978) and analysed the different aspects which I need to include within my own article. Some of these aspects which I gained from Halloween include:
      • Budget- this was a low budget, which reflects many of the different aspects within the film. These include: casting, music, special effects and locations, therefore because the film had a lower budget than other horror movies it may not have been created as well as it could have been.
      • Cast- Halloween included one main famous person who people would recognise. This was Jamie Lee Curtis, quite a lot of the budget would have been spent on casting her within this film. This would also draw audiences in to watching the film as she is best known for being the daughter of original 'victim' in Psycho.
      • Distribution- The certificate of this film was an 18, this is based on the content included within the film (e.g violence). Halloween also had a niche audience, it was aimed at a specific audience, being teenagers aged 18 and over. Whereas other films which were released around the same time as Halloween did not have a niche audience and would appeal to a wider audience. Therefore releasing Halloween at this time was a risk as there were bigger films being released as well.
      These are some of the aspects related to Halloween and after half term I will be watching the remake of Halloween (2007). I will be able to compare the similarities and differences between the two films, which is what I am doing within my Hairspray article.
      Halloween (1978)

      Hairspray Remake Article
      I have decided to create an article based on the remake of Hairspray. I did initially intend on comparing the original and remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, although I was not able to access the data in terms of box office and distribution of the movie from sites such as Therefore I decided to choose a film which I could access the correct information for and this was Hairspray.
      The original of hairspray was released in 1988 and the remake was released in 2007. I have completed my research into the films looking at the different aspects of the film which I will discuss within my article. These include: Finance, Social/ Political Issues, Genres, Narrative, Distribution, Trends, Technology, Stars and Vertical/ Horizontal Integration. I have researched into all of these aspects in relation to the film and I have started to create a research dossier which I will write up my research into.
      In terms of my double page spread, I have begun analysing existing double page spreads including: their layout, typography, images and colour. I have created an initial sketch for this and this includes bright and bold colours to reflect the film clearly. This double page spread needs to appeal to the target audience of 14-16 year olds, therefore it needs to interesting and eye catching. It will not include columns of writing as I will incorporate different elements which will catch the readers attention.  I have also analysed the Hairspray programme which I brought from the musical and I have taken elements from this to incorporate into my double page spread. This includes: bright & bold outline edges around boxes to include information & the contrast of bright colours used to catch the audience's attention. These are aspects I will include as they clearly reflect the film. I also researched into the trends of the time which Hairspray was set in (1960's) this included: Pop Art, Fashion (Op Art) and Music. These are the aspects which would influence the film as the decade which it was based within.
      I will continue planning and designing my double page spread from my research and also complete the film article. I will be including the most interesting aspects related to the movie which my target audience (14-16 year olds) will be interested in.

      Monday 17 October 2011

      Week 6: Research for Film Remake Article

      I have started my initial research into film remakes. For this task I am creating a double page spread with an article about a film remake. I will be comparing different aspects about the two films. These different aspects include:
      • Finance
      • Social/Political Issues
      • Stars
      • Trends
      • Genres
      • Exhibition and Distribution
      • Narrative
      • Technology- techniques and cinematography
      • Vertical/ Horizontal integration
      • Synergies between films
      I have chosen the film Hairspray to compare (1988 and 2007). This is a film which I believed I can talk about the different aspects required and apply them to the films. There will be some clear comparisons within the article surrounding the narrative, social/ political issues and genres. The other aspects will be different and I will be able to compare the differences between these two films. By researching into the above aspects for Hairspray I understand the similarities and differences between the films. I have used the resources of the Internet and also an A Level Film Studies book. The Internet has provided me with the information regarding the film and books have given me information about the different aspects I need to write about.

      I also understand that I am required to create a double page spread for the article. I have started researching into the layout of double page spreads in existing film magazines. From analysing these I have been able to see the font, images and layout used to make it a creative and eye catching article. I want my article to reflect the film, therefore it will use very bright colours as these types of colours reflect the mood of the film.
      An initial idea for my double page spread is to have the hairspray can in the top right hand corner and then spraying the 'Hairspray' title into the centre of the page. This will be eye catching and when I have completed my research into existing double page spreads I can apply my findings into my own article.

      Hairspray 1988
      Hairspray 2007

      Wednesday 12 October 2011

      Week 5: Film Analysis Complete

      I have now completed my Film Analysis, within this analysis I applied the genre analysis, auteur study and reception study. Through applying these analytical approaches to the films Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands and also Tim Burton as a director. I have been introduced to these analytical approaches and applying these has helped me in learning what analytical approaches are.I have learnt about the different aspects within the genre analysis, including: characters, setting and narrative in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
      The auteur study on Tim Burton shows the trademarks (signatures) within his films. I discussed the mise-en-scene aspects, characters, sound, new technology and cast and crew. I have learnt a lot about Tim Burton as a director through applying the auteur theory to both films. I have learnt how he uses his trademarks within the film and that they are used within many of his films.
      The reception study showed how Edward Scissorhands was received at time of release. This included: awards, reviews, total gross and ratings. Through researching into the reception of Edward Scissorhands I have learnt about the aspects which are considered when a film is released and how this kept a record of.
      I have also submitted my research dossier which I wrote up. I created a document for my research which I had gained throughout the task. I included a bibliography of the websites, journal and books used throughout the film analysis task.
      In my last post on this blog I have expanded about the different aspects included within my film analysis. This shows what I have learnt and applied throughout the film analysis.

      Edward Scissorhands

      Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

      Tuesday 11 October 2011

      Week 5: Film Analysis Continued

      I have nerly completed my film analysis', I applied the Reception Study, Genre Analysis and Auteur Study to the two films: Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I applied the reception study to Edward Scissorhands and the Genre Analysis to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I need to complete my auteur study and create a bibliography for this task, I have also completed my Research Dossier, which I have written up showing how I have used my research.
      Through applying the analytical approaches to the films I have learnt a lot about the films, this includes:
      Genre Analysis- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
      Through the genre analysis I have learnt about:
      • Characters: within this film the characters are distinctive and are all individual. The main character is Charlie, he is a child from what appears to be a poor family. This contrasts with the other children as they seem to be very spoilt. Whereas Charlie is a caring person and has a good relationship with his family. Willy Wonka is also another main character, and his world contrasts with Charlie's. This is because he lives in a massive fantasy world at the factory.
      • Setting: these are important within the film, as the chocolate factory is highlighted as the fantasy world, which it is. This place would not exist in reality and is a bright and colour world. The inside of the factory contrasts with the reality of the gloomy world which Charlie lives in, the city.
      • Narrative: I applied the narrative structure which I believe fitted this film. This structure was Linear, as the events happened in chronological order. Although, there were flashbacks showing Willy Wonka's childhood, which is the story beind the reason why he set up the factory.
      • Codes and Conventions: these were the expectations from a Adventure, Fantasy and Family film. I highlighted the iconography within the film as this is what the audience expect to see within this genre of film. I also talked about the target audience for the film, this is important as it relates to the genre of the film.
      Auteur Study- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands
      Through applying the auteur study to these two films I learnt about the signatures/trademarks within the films in relation to the director, Tim Burton. Some of these signatures include:
      • Fantasy Elements: these are included within many of Burton's films, especially Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The elements are shown within the setting, as the castle and factory are two fantasy worlds which will never be seen in reality.
      • Music: Danny Elfman creates most of the compositions for the Tim Burton films.
      • Gothic Elements: within Tim Burton films he has a dark and gothic element, he also contrasts the bright with the dark within his films.
      These are some of the trademarks which I have included within my analysis.

      Reception Study- Edward Scissorhands
      Through the reception study I have researched into how the film was received at time of release. The elements which I researched into include:
      • Awards: these are the awards won by the film for different aspects.
      • Box Office figures: this includes the grossing figures for the film, on its opening weekend and total figures.
      • Reviews: from imdb I found reviews on Edward Scissorhands which shows how the film was received by people in different countries.
      Tomorrow I will complete my analysis, I will be able to ensure that I have talked about all the elements required within the analysis'.

      Thursday 6 October 2011

      Week 4: Film Analysis Continued

      I have continued with my analysis's, I have now decided to carry out a Genre Analysis, Auteur Study and Reception Study. I have decided to carry out a reception study as a different analysis for me to carry out and find out what it is and find the relevant information. This involves how the film was recieved, I have decided on the film Edward Scissorhands. I have found ratings, demographics of audience, reviews, box office figures for opening weekend and awards. This will show how the film was recieved by the audience and people in different countries.
      I have completed my genre analysis on the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). Within this analysis I have included: Characters, Iconography, Setting and Narrative in relation to the film. Through carrying out this analysis I have learnt about the film and how all of these elements are combined to create a wonderful fantasy adventure film. I have also completed my Auteur Study on Tim Burton, comparing the films Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I have analysed the signature elements of Tim Burton within the films including: influences from childhood, distinctive characters, cast and crew, setting, cinematography and themes. Through watching and analysing these two films I instantly saw connections in the two films in relation to the director. These include: main character represented as an outcast, gothic elements, signature company logo at the beginning and the music used throughout the films.
      Auteur Study: Tim Burton

      I will continue to complete my final analysis, the reception study. Throughout writing my analysis I have been writing up a research dossier, I have been writing a written document showing my knowledge in relation to the films and the Tim Burton. By having this document it will show how I have used my research gained for the analysis' and my understanding.  
      Through applying the different analytical approaches I have gained knowledge in how to write these approaches and what elements to look for within a film.

      Tuesday 4 October 2011

      Week 4: Analysis' on Chosen Films

      I have continued with my analysis studies within film studies. I have chosen to focus on the director Tim Burton and his two films: Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). I will be carrying out a Genre Analysis, Auteur Study and Narrative Analysis on these films. Through these analysis' I will be showing my knowledge in relation to these films. I have carried out a 'test' genre analysis and narrative analysis on two films, Monsters (genre analysis) and Raising Arizona (narrative analysis). From my previous post I stated what I will include and be discussing within these analysis'. I have carried out some initial research on Tim Burton and also the two films I am analysing. Through this research I will gain more knowledge into Tim Burton as a person and how his history (life) influences and is reflected within his own films. The reason why I researched into the two films is to gain an insight into the different elements used and how Tim Burton uses these within the films. This relates to the Auteur Study which I am carrying out on the two films. I will watch the two films and note Tim Burton's signature elements which are used within both of the films. I will then compare these within my Auteur Study. I have started to note the signatures within the films from my knowledge already. Some of these signatures include:
      • Same music composer used within most films: Danny Elfman.
      • Style & Techniques: troubled backstory flashback and colour visual aspects.
      • Main character within films is seen as an 'outcast'- but accepted by people.
      • Distinctive characters- pale faced.
      Pale Face: Johnny Depp as
      Willy Wonka

      Pale Face: Johnny Depp as Edward

      • Same actor used- Johnny Depp.
      • 'Machine style' introduction used on both films- chocolate bars being produced in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory relates to the inventor sequence in Edward Scissorhands.
      • Split worlds.
      • Films contain dark and colour elements.

      I will continue with my research and also start to complete the Auteur Study on Tim Burton and the Genre and Narrative Analysis'.

      Monday 3 October 2011

      Week 4: Three Analytical Approaches within Film

      I have been introduced to the three analysis' I will be using throughout task 2. Within this task I will be choosing two films from the same director and carrying out an Auteur Study, Genre Analysis and Narrative Analysis. Last week I was introduced to the genre analysis on the film Monsters (2010). The genre analysis includes:
      • Defining the genre with iconography and codes and conventions,
      • Who the target audience is and
      • Whether the film subverts the genre.
      The narrative analysis focuses on the narrative within the film. There are several different narrative theorists some of these include:
      • Propp's characters
      • Strauss' Binary Opposites
      • Todorov's 5 Act Stucutre 
      • Barthes Narrative Codes
      • Aristotle's Three Act Structure
      I understand how to approach this analysis, from todays screening I watched Raising Arizona (1987) and applied some key narrative questions.
      Narrative Analysis: Raising Arizona

      The questions included:
      • Which theorist does the film use
      • The narrative structure of the film
      • Is there a clear resolution
      • How the genre presents the narrative.
       I have been introduced to this analysis I know what elements need to be explained within my report. I can apply these different points within my own narrative analysis.

      Auteur Study: through this analysis I will be analysing the signature elements within the two films from the same director. The elements which I will be analysing within the films include:
      • Distinctive Characters
      • Music and Sound
      • Style and Techniques: Camera, New Technology and Editing
      • Cast and Crew
      • Mise-en-scene: performance
      I have been introduced and applied two of these analysis' to two films, Monsters and Raising Arizona. I have been able to 'test' how I will apply the analysis' to my own chosen films.

      Task 2: Applying the Narrative Analysis, Auteur Study and Genre Analysis
      I will be applying the above analysis' to my own chosen films. I have decided to focus on the films by Tim Burton. I have chosen Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) to carry out the analysis'.

      Edward Scissorhands (1990)

      Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

      I will firstly carry out the auteur study on these two films, I will be highlighting the signature elements used within the two films. From this I will then carry out a genre analysis on one of the films, including the above points within the analysis. The narrative analysis will then be carried out and I will be applying the above questions in relation to this analysis within my written report.
      The videos below show the trailers for these films.